Day two

Today we began our actual volunteering at safe passage. We started out helping with English classes to 9th graders. They had varying degrees of English skills as well as a wide span of ages. At first, they seemed reluctant to participate, but as the activity progressed they warmed up to us. After working with two classes, we moved on to doing an activity with another class that we will be working again with later this week. We decided to make paper cut out snowflakes with them because they had never experienced snow. Although they were older kids, some were as old as 20, they seemed to really enjoy the creative outlet. After lunch, we had an interesting meeting to learn about what it is like to be a longterm volunteer here. In the afternoon, we repeated the same schedule as this morning, but with the younger children. In the English classes we played a board game. Because they were younger, they were rowdier and harder to communicate with. When we made the snowflakes with a 6th grade class, we had a much different experience than in the morning. The kids enjoyed the snowflakes,but very quickly a paper airplane war ensued. Paper was everywhere. Some kids even made spitballs. At the end, the kids all worked together to cleanup thier mess. Overall it was a very busy but very satisfying day. 

About falmouthsafepassage

Profesor de espanol
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